Installing Wallace with Anaconda ================================ If you are interested in Wallace and use `Anaconda `__, you'll need to adapt the standard instructions slightly. Install psycopg2 ---------------- In order to get the correct bindings, you need to install ``psycopg2`` before you use ``requirements.txt``; otherwise, everything will fail and you will be endlessly frustrated. :: conda install psycopg2 Install Wallace --------------- You'll follow all of the :doc:`Wallace development installation instructions `, **with the exception of the virtual environment step**. Then return here. Confirm Wallace works --------------------- Now, we need to make sure that Wallace and Anaconda play nice with one another. At this point, we'd check to make sure that Wallace is properly installed by typing :: wallace --version into the command line. For those of us with Anaconda, we'll get a long error message. Don't panic! Add the following to your ``.bash_profile``: :: export DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/anaconda/lib/:$DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH If you installed anaconda using ``Python 3``, you will need to change ``anaconda`` in that path to ``anaconda3``. After you ``source`` your ``.bash_profile``, you can check your Wallace version (using the same command that we used earlier), which should return the Wallace version that you've installed. Re-link Open SSL ---------------- Finally, you'll need to re-link ``openssl``. Run the following: :: brew install --upgrade openssl brew unlink openssl && brew link openssl --force