Developer Installation ====================== We recommend installing Wallace on Mac OS X. It's also possible to use Ubuntu. Install Python 2.7 ------------------ You will need Python 2.7. You can check what version of Python you have by running: :: python --version If you do not have Python 2.7 installed, you can install it from the `Python website `__. Or, if you use Homebrew: :: brew install python Or, if you use Anaconda, install using ``conda``, not Homebrew. If you have Python 3.\ *x* installed and and symlinked to the command ``python``, you will need to create a ``virtualenv`` that interprets the code as ``python2.7`` (for compatibility with the ``psiturk`` module). Fortunately, we will be creating a virtual environment anyway, so as long as you run ``brew install python`` and you don't run into any errors because of your symlinks, then you can proceed with the instructions. If you do run into any errors, good luck, we're rooting for you. Install Postgres ---------------- On OS X, we recommend installing ` `__ to start and stop a Postgres server. You'll also want to set up the Postgres command-line utilities by following the instructions `here `__. You will then need to add Postgres to your PATH environmental variable. If you use the default location for installing applications on OS X (namely ``/Applications``), you can adjust your path by running the following command: :: export PATH="$PATH:/Applications/" NB: If you have installed an older version of Postgres (e.g., < 9.5), you may need to alter that command to accommodate the more recent version number. To double check which version to include, run: :: ls /Applications/ Whatever values that returns are the versions that you should place in the ``export`` command above in the place of ``latest``. If it does not return a number, you have not installed Postgres correctly in your ``/Applications`` folder or something else is horribly wrong. On Ubuntu, follow the instructions under the heading "Installation" `here `__. Create the Database ------------------- After installing Postgres, you will need to create a database for your experiments to use. First, open the Then, run the following command from the command line: :: psql -c 'create database wallace;' -U postgres If you get the following error... :: psql: could not connect to server: No such file or directory Is the server running locally and accepting connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"? ...then you probably did not start the app. Set up a virtual environment ---------------------------- **Note**: if you are using Anaconda, ignore this ``virtualenv`` section; use ``conda`` to create your virtual environment. Or, see the special `Anaconda installation instructions `__. Set up a virtual environment by running the following commands: :: pip install virtualenv pip install virtualenvwrapper export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs mkdir -p $WORKON_HOME source $(which mkvirtualenv wallace --python /usr/local/bin/python2.7 These commands use ``pip``, the Python package manager, to install two packages ``virtualenv`` and ``virtualenvwrapper``. They set up an environmental variable named ``WORKON_HOME`` with a string that gives a path to a subfolder of your home directory (``~``) called ``Envs``, which the next command (``mkdir``) then makes according to the path described in ``$WORKON_HOME`` (recursively, due to the ``-p`` flag). That is where your environments will be stored. The ``source`` command will run the command that follows, which in this case locates the ```` shell script, the contents of which are beyond the scope of this setup tutorial. If you want to know what it does, a more in depth description can be found at `this page on ```` `__. Finally, the ``mkvirtualenv`` makes your first virtual environment which you've named ``wallace``. We have explicitly passed it the location of ``python2.7`` so that even if your ``python`` command has been remapped to ``python3``, it will create the environment with ``python2.7`` as its interpreter. In the future, you can work on your virtual environment by running: :: source $(which workon wallace NB: To stop working on the virtual environment, run ``deactivate``. To list all available virtual environments, run ``workon`` with no arguments. Install enchant --------------- To be able to build the documentation, you will need to have the Enchant library installed. Please follow the instructions `here `__ to install it. Install Wallace --------------- Next, navigate to the directory where you want to house your development work on Wallace. Once there, clone the Git repository using: :: git clone This will create a directory called ``Wallace`` in your current directory. Change into your the new directory and make sure you are still in your virtual environment before installing the dependencies. If you want to be extra careful, run the command ``workon wallace``, which will ensure that you are in the right virtual environment. **Note**: if you are using Anaconda – as of August 10, 2016 – you will need to follow special :doc:`Anaconda installation instructions `. This should be fixed in future versions. :: cd Wallace Now we need to install the dependencies using pip: :: pip install -r dev-requirements.txt Next run ```` with the argument ``develop``: :: python develop Test that your installation works by running: :: wallace --version **Note**: if you are using Anaconda and get a long traceback here, please see the special :doc:`wallace_with_anaconda`. Next, you'll need :doc:`access keys for AWS, Heroku, etc. `.