Demoing Wallace =============== First, make sure you have Wallace installed: - :doc:`installing_wallace_for_users` - :doc:`developing_wallace_setup_guide` To test out Wallace, we'll run an example experiment in debug mode. From a terminal within the Wallace directory, run :: cd examples/bartlett1932 wallace debug You will see some output as Wallace loads. When it is finished, you will see something that looks like: :: Now serving on [psiTurk server:on mode:sdbx #HITs:4]$ This is the psiTurk prompt. Into that prompt type: :: debug This will cause the experiment to open in a new window in your browser. Alternatively, type :: debug --print-only to get the URL of the experiment so that you can view it on a different machine than the one you are serving it on. Once you have finished running through the experiment as a participant, you can type ``debug`` again to play as the next participant. **Help, the experiment page is blank!** This may happen if you are using an ad-blocker. Try disabling your ad-blocker and refresh the page.